Monday, August 22, 2011

Cheating in Exams - Education Lagging Behind

Now-a-days there is wave  for "Anna and Remove corruption". Often people are having shaded views about corruption . They think "Fodder Scam", "Stamp Scam" , 2G Scam is only under the definition of corruption . From my point of view there are many thing , which should be look under the purview of corruption and at top is education system of India.
            Across India, number of students appear in 10th class exams to cross the threshold of school education and get good marks to enter into the new world of their aspire dreams. However, one thing that is sad about this exams, specially on state level is the way cheating is going on at different centers. So much so that not only students even parents are involved in this act. I came across news channel showing how parents were being lathicharged for this act. The question is why it is happening.
                Our quality of education is deteriorating day by day. Recently saw a  program how a teacher in one of the primary school was not good at even teaching M for Mango or A for Apple . She spelled all the words wrong. These teachers are appointed on merit basis,i.e if they have result showing that they are having 1st Division they would be selected without any test or verification of their knowledge. This selection process has also encouraged the cheating in exams. In rural areas and even in urban areas as well , somehow candidates appear in exam to get a degree or certificate , so that later on they can get job.
                    On the one hand Government is proud that it is providing employment and recruiting lakhs of teachers , however, on the other hand the education quality is going out of control. What such teachers are going to teach and what the students are able to learn. No doubt, somehow children will get knowledge of letters and  number, but unless quality teacher will not be recruited , children will hardly  able to learn to be sensible towards education. They don't feel guilt in cheating , because they are grown up amidst such polluted educational environment.
                       This country is getting proud of giving 6th and 7th Pay commission and a peon is able to get Rs 8000 per month, where many good teachers who are supposed to build the base of nation is struggling to get a job.  
      Unfortunately , in India recruiting teachers has become a vote bank tactics for politics. Lets hope that whatever changes come , it improves the quality of education system of India , which is base of any progressive country.

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